The Best Core Exercises for Runners

The Best Core Exercises

Develop a stronger core without needing equipment and from home

Whenever you think about your core you most likely think abs but your core is more than that. Abs are a big part of your core but your lower back and hips are too.

Having a stronger core can help your strength and flexibility, it will help with sports or just going about your daily activities. 

A good core also helps your lower back so if you have lower back pain you need to try these. If you need core exercises for back pain, this is perfect for you.

Here are the Best Core Exercises you can do from home without any equipment.


This exercise does require movement. You will need to slowly raise your legs up and slowly lower them to about 6 inches off the ground and hold it for one or two seconds. Make sure your back and hands are flat on the ground or surface and your feet must not touch the ground while performing this exercise.


This exercise does not require movement and is a variation of the well known PLANK and I advise you to do these every single day, no matter what the routine is. Planks are amazing core exercises and arguably the best one there is. This is the same as the regular plank but you raise your body higher with extended arms. This exercise will help your whole body while improving your core which is why it is such a good exercise.


Mountain Climbers are an amazing core building exercise that also helps the shoulders, hamstrings, triceps, quads. It also helps you lose belly fat so your abs can start showing.
Click Here if you need steps on how to do it.


Toe Touches is a very simple exercise but it does work. 

These are the best exercises to strengthen your core without equipment and from home. 

Make sure to add at least one of these to your workout routine.

Remember your core is very important and the key to fitness.

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